Enabling The Remote Enterprise During The Covid-19 Outbreak And Beyond

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Enabling The Remote Enterprise During The Covid-19 Outbreak And Beyond

When the news first broke about COVID-19 at the end of December 2019, not many thought it would spread beyond China. However, today, cities and countries across the globe have had to shut down businesses and enforce strict social distancing measures in order to contain the spread of the virus.

While the toll the pandemic will continue to have on the healthcare sector is significant, the impact of COVID-19 on businesses is also an important area of discussion. Sectors have been affected by the pandemic in different ways, with essential services and healthcare seeing high demand and tourism and hospitality looking at a negative impact.

It is important to look at the overall impact of COVID-19 on businesses and the short-term and long-term strategies required to face and overcome the impact of the pandemic, but it is also important to look at how various software solutions can be made use of to make the best of the current situation.

Working remotely has been one of the challenges faced by businesses and employees during the pandemic. Many did not have time to prepare or work out the logistics of working remotely but have had to adapt to these changes, some extremely successfully adapting to the remote enterprise.

Even though many businesses may not have considered converting to a remote enterprise before the pandemic, the technology to do so has been there all along. Management technology looks at increasing the efficiency of business processes while also making it easier to access information and data, especially remotely.

One of the key solutions that enable remote enterprise is enterprise resource planning or ERP software. If you look at NetSuite ERP, the software is a unified business management suite and includes ERP, customer relationship management (CRM), and eCommerce.

The solutions offered by this software are further enhanced by cloud ERP technology, which allows teams to access relevant data from anywhere and no longer have to be physically present at the company in order to access ERP data.

Enabling The Remote Enterprise During The Covid-19 Outbreak And Beyond | M.SaaS

SuiteSuccess is another tool worth considering in terms of ERP and CRM. This unified, industry cloud solution includes industry-leading practices, a new customer engagement model, and business optimization methods and is a NetSuite tool that can solve unique industry challenges, which is definitely useful for businesses today.

Using a cloud ERP system or cloud CRM solution can thus enable working from home arrangements and ensure businesses can operate smoothly. Thus, if a business has invested in the right technology for their employees, the remote enterprise will not be a challenge during the COVID-19 outbreak.

A company can make use of a cloud ERP system like NetSuite ERP, which includes many functions, including eCommerce CRM, to manage business operations and management processes from home without any disruptions.

When considering enterprise resource planning tools, especially by NetSuite, additional tools that can further enable remote enterprise are also worth looking at. SuiteCommerce, for instance, is ideal for eCommerce platforms that are continuing operations during the lockdown. The pandemic has made stores either shut down completely or go online and a cloud CRM solution and a web commerce solution can be of great use to such businesses.

Ecommerce platforms like this further enable remote enterprise during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in the shutdown of businesses around the globe.

While technology like NetSuite CRM+ and NetSuite ERP is of great use during these times, remote enterprise requires more than technology to be successfully carried out. While businesses may already have had the software and tools to enable remote enterprise, not many made use of these. However, having to suddenly operate remotely can take getting used to and there are certain challenges businesses may face.

In order to ensure teams can successfully work remotely, it is important to implement remote work policies that address concerns and include best practices. These policies can cover security, logistics, workflow, and communication.

When working remotely, it is important to provide timely and clear communication and trust team members to carry out their work without being constantly monitored.

Besides enterprise resource planning or customer relationship management, project collaboration and communication tools are also extremely important. From virtual meetings to video conferencing, businesses are required to provide teams with the necessary tools for communication and collaboration.

While these ERP solutions are useful in the present situation, they can also determine how businesses operate in the future, with remote work being an option more businesses will definitely consider.